Naya Medicals is a sound and trusted medico-legal agency that provides a comprehensive medico-legal service providing expert witness reports for solicitors, individuals and regulated claims management companies.
We pride ourselves with the fact that the efficient and streamlined process with which we operate saves time and money. Our increased success lies with providing our customers with a professional yet personal service of a high standard. It is because of this commitment that we have established a reputation for quality, speed and accuracy.
We understand that the timeframe for report writing is key, therefore we have implemented efficiency and reduced time delay procedures. We offer a service to our clients’ which is second to none.
Due to changes in recent legislation in soft tissue injury claims brought under the MoJ’s Pre-Action Protocol for low value personal injury claims in road traffic accidents, we are Medco accredited to provide the relevant expert witness reports.
Should you require further information or wish to immediately start using our company for your future medical work, please feel free to contact us.